Song: Hello Vietnam; Singger: Pham Quynh Anh

English before sleeping - Make you more memorising - intelligent

------------- The Stronger, The Lighter The More Intelligent, The More Humble ------------- Càng Mạnh Mẽ Càng Nhẹ Nhàng Càng Thông Minh Càng Khiêm Tốn.

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Virtual Science Labs Educating Students In The Classroom And At Home

By Nancy Gardner

Students kept telling their teachers to take the computer lab out of the realm of being a glorified typewriter, and it appears that this is now beginning to happen. With interactive tools and classrooms that incorporate students from all over the world, school is becoming interesting again. The most popular materials are contained within the virtual science labs.

Most any scientific discipline can be taught in this way, whether it is an active online class or a CD Rom teaching tool. Either way it requires the student to take a very active approach in learning the material contained therein. Teachers have been delighted to find that some mediocre students have been able to turn their future around because the coursework utilizes a style of learning that works for them.

It is well documented that people have different learning styles, and some students learn better by doing something. Taking notes and memorizing data are nearly impossible tasks for some, and this can cause them to fall behind or just give up on themselves entirely. The fact is, many very intelligent students get lost in this shuffle simply because of the teaching style used.

It is no secret that the male students are most often the active learners, while the female students often excel in the skills that get them good grades. Grades cannot be ignored, though it is no true measure of knowledge that a student may or may not have acquired. Many students graduate with good grades, but later have difficulty with simple tasks such as balancing a check book or deciphering a bus schedule.

In an effort to promote the true talents their child may have, many parents have resorted to homeschooling. With teachers so eager to put students on Ritalin or Adderall, parents seek to protect their offspring, and expand their base of knowledge beyond passing a standardized test. These lucky kids can work at their own skill level, in their own time, and not feel the pressure exerted by teachers, nor the humiliation of the red-pen grading of what is sometimes subjective material.

Many of these students, with this active learning style, would have done very well in a college environment anyway. With study being largely self-guided, a student is going to gravitate toward the study methods that work best for them. However, when these kids struggle through public school with mediocre grades, they often detest even the mere notion of pursuing any additional education.

Not only do these laboratory courses provide students with a hands-on interactive learning experience, but students who really show promise are sometimes invited to pursue studies they are passionate about at the local universities. This opportunity, previously not extended to homeschool kids, can grant them the opportunity to utilize what they learn in a true white-coat setting. Additionally, they are granted credit toward graduation, and increase their likelihood of being offered a scholarship at that particular school.

Parents and school systems alike would be foolish to ignore this trend in education. It has been suggested that allowing the student to choose their curriculum would improve education as a whole, and certainly increase test scores. There is no doubt that these modern tools are setting into motion a new concept of what the classroom of the future will be.

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