Song: Hello Vietnam; Singger: Pham Quynh Anh

English before sleeping - Make you more memorising - intelligent

------------- The Stronger, The Lighter The More Intelligent, The More Humble ------------- Càng Mạnh Mẽ Càng Nhẹ Nhàng Càng Thông Minh Càng Khiêm Tốn.

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I Just Got Fired What Do I Do Now With My Life?

By Virginia Moore

One of the most stressful things that can ever happen to anyone at any point in life is getting sacked from work. Just got fired what do I do now? This the question begging for answers in the minds of anyone in this scenario. The dilemma is mostly how to break the news to your friends and family, how to finance your bills and whether you will get another job soon. You need expert guidance to survive such a scenario. Here are valuable tips.

Take charge of your emotions. It should dawn on you that being sacked from work does not end your career. To easily manage your emotions, record your thoughts and feeling in a journal. It is therapeutic and relieving to share with friend. Choose the supportive ones who will never judge you but instead encourage you. Allowing pressure to pile up may lead to regrettable drastic actions that affect your prospects in future.

Suing your employer is one of the options available. This is especially plausible where your rights have been infringed. However, not all cases can be resolved in court. As such, you are likely to lose by going to court. To avoid such a scenario, evaluate the chances available and make the right decision. Ensure that the decision made will be most beneficial to you. An out of court settlement might reduce exposure and thus safeguard your future prospects.

Take time off to evaluate career prospects. You have a lot of free time to take stock of your career path and achievement. Have an independent evaluation of how far you have come and the direction you need to take. Be positive about your next step.

Ask for a reference from the friendly managers. Appreciate the opportunity to serve in a particular position. Since not all managers have a grudge with you, approach one of them for a referral. Some managers may not be allowed to go on record for giving you a recommendation letter. Request the friendly one to be your referee in your resume.

It is nothing to be ashamed of. People are hired and fired from even bigger positions. In fact, this is a phenomenon likely to happen to everyone at a point in life. Do not be burdened by guilt feeling but instead begin working on getting another job. When focus shifts to searching for another job other than the fact that you have been sacked, your possibility of landing a new one increases.

Negotiate a favorable exit plan. Have a discussion with your HR to clarify on your terms of dismissal. Comb through the dismissal letter ensuring that it gives a good account of your contribution to the company. Positive wording will increase your chances of securing a better job in future. By the time you are leaving, your records should be clean to make you employable in future.

While out of work, you will still be required to pay your bills and meet other financial obligations. Reorganize your finances to reduce expenses and survive until the next job. File for unemployment benefits if the dismissal is not on professional misconduct. Take advantage of all benefits like medical cover, insurance, leave days, etc before they expire or are withdrawn.

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