Song: Hello Vietnam; Singger: Pham Quynh Anh

English before sleeping - Make you more memorising - intelligent

------------- The Stronger, The Lighter The More Intelligent, The More Humble ------------- Càng Mạnh Mẽ Càng Nhẹ Nhàng Càng Thông Minh Càng Khiêm Tốn.

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Any Reputable Orlando Child Custody Attorney Puts The Interests Of Children First

By Kevin White

Divorce court judges have seen battles between warring couples about almost every conceivable subject, but a battle about control over the children is almost surely the worst. Children cannot defend themselves and they seldom have a say about their futures when their parents separate or divorce. Parents that are angry with each other often do not even realize the extent of the harm they are causing. An Orlando child custody attorney, however, will do his best to protect the children.

The end of a relationship, especially a marriage, always involve a host of decisions. Decisions must be made about the distribution of savings and liabilities, of who will take away what assets and, most importantly, what future the children will have. In cases that are not contested these decisions are often made in a civilized manner, but contested cases can be very difficult.

Divorce cases are often contested only because the parties cannot agree about custodial issues. They fail to reach agreement on matters such as where the children will be living, what the visitation rights of the other parent will be, the amount that should be paid for maintenance and even issues such as religious education. These battles can be nasty and the children often suffer severe trauma in the process.

In some cases disputing couples will hire a lawyer to help them understand their individual rights and to assist in the negotiation process. Such a step can be less expensive than fighting matters out in court. An objective lawyer can help the parents to also understand the rights of their children and to strive towards an amicable agreement that will cause less stress and that will be fair and acceptable to all parties.

If the matter does proceed to court all parties should understand that all the records are open to the public, including the press. It will be expensive because each party will need a lawyer. The case may become drawn out because the judge may insist on reports from a social worker and even a child psychologist. Older children may be asked to testify and this experience can be very traumatic for them.

Any decision a court makes regarding the fate of the children of divorcing couples can be reviewed at any time thereafter. The courts are routinely approach for such reviews due to the circumstances of a parent that have changed, due to fears for the safety of the children or due to one partner not honouring the instructions of the court in matters such as visitation or support payments.

Once children grow a little older they often express the wish to have a more direct say in their own futures. In some cases they want to live with a different parent and in others they may wish to see more of an absent parent with limited visitation rights. In many cases the courts are willing to hear submissions by such children and to reconsider the conditions of divorce as far as it affect the interest of the children.

No sane or civilized society can allow innocent children to become the victims in a divorce. Their rights should always be the most important issue at stake. When this is not the case, juvenile crime, misbehaviour and personality disorders are all too often the result.

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