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Reading The Key To Satisfaction And Content

By Peter Fisher

There are some people these days who have money to spend but could not find the means to be happy, and there are also some who will do all means necessary just to be able to obtain wealth and popularity. But what is the reason for all this material longings, when those are all for temporary happiness. For those people who are in the middle in between these two types of individuals, they would think that it is pointless, it would just be better to live at the moment, be happy and contented and just read some books in the process such as books about suspenseful romance perhaps.

Realist would say that it is impossible to fall in love with someone, when your life is in danger. Because in reality love takes time, time to get to know the person and time to accept his or her flaws. And that is not something that can happen if you are being chased by man eating snakes. However, in a world where love seems to be in a difficult state, with all the insincerity, secrets, lies and deceptions.

Some individuals these days are so hang up with the thought of social validation. If not feeding their social media accounts with vanity their out looking at other people who have better lives, people who have travelled across the globe, people who are enjoying utmost material luxury. With all these online activities, one would eventually end up in self pity.

Do you know a fun fact about the people back in the days where there was no social media, no gadgets of sorts. People were satisfied with their lives, they work and for leisure and enjoyment they read books, which made them in to creative individuals. And do you know that most of them were satisfied with what they have and what they have become.

Reading suspense, romance, action, mystery novels gives one the luxury to slow down. Take some time to fully digest the theme, the scenes, and all the impossible aspects the novel contains.

You get to ask yourself that what if question from time. And that is not a bad thing, with what if, you become your own creative individual, allowing yourself to go through those impossible ideas, you might even come up with an impossible idea of your own.

You get to become someone with diverse understanding in both art and reality. A good book can even take you to places you have never been, even greater than the Eifel tower in Paris, or the statue of Liberty in New York harbour, or much more grand than the cherry blossoms in Japan. Your mind is complex beyond understanding and you can visualize interpret what you have read in fascinating ways.

If you got in to an argument with someone you love, do not curse them, do not talk of bad things behind their backs and then posting it online just for them to see it later on, channel your anger disappointment to something else, go to your take your favourite book and read it.

The reason why you should start reading and stop strolling through your daily feeds, it is very simple. Because you need the time slow down, a time where you do not have to think about other peoples perfect life, a time to indulge in the impossible. Often times people are too busy comparing themselves to others who has a much more perfect life then they have. They keep doing this to an extent that they forget to enjoy their life. The road to a healthier life starts when you stop observing other people and start believing in yourself and picking up a book every once in a while.

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